Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Well Done!

Hi everyone! I just want to congratulate all of you on your great energy and spirit yesterday! We walked ALL the way UP Mt. Tomie, and ALL the way DOWN......, FAST, and TWICE!!!!! Every one was such a good sport! Our time was tight, and families, I do apologize that we were late getting back. We had hoped to get away at 12:30 but were delayed, which set the afternoon back by about 20 minutes. As well, it was hard to pull away from the great art project the folks from the UVic Geography department had us doing. A big thank you to Ken Josephson and Cameron Owen from the Geography Department, along with their graduate students Tom and Kaley, as well as Brenda Beckwith from Environmental Studies. We had a nice walk through the University fields and grounds, saw the First People's House and heard some storytelling, and saw the "last original apple tree" from the Finnerty Farm - the tree was likely at least 70 years old, and we could see where people pay their respects to what it stands for. After some great artwork that we hope to finish this week, some juice and organic suckers, we hoofed it back to the school - not at the same breakneck speed with which we travelled to the university in order to meet our hosts on time - but still a good pace. We were tired but very proud of our accomplishment, and grateful for the experience. I'm thinking you all slept well! Students, I'm sorry I was not at school this afternoon, I was a learner myself, and attended a literacy workshop. I am pumped!! I'll tell you all about it tomorrow! When I went back to the school, I heard a very positive report from the TOC - so again, congratulations on being a stellar class! See you tomorrow - don't forget to bring your Twoonie for the Terry Fox run!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was very impressed with Ken Josephson, an inspiring educator and kind person. He made a point of taking us aside when he noticed a couple of kids were limping. He entertained us with our own mini lesson and I found his approach to teaching Geography by incorporating art and storytelling very inspiring.