Friday, March 2, 2012

Unexpected Holiday

Hi Students,

That was a wonderful presentation this afternoon - I hope you share the stories of the Haida with your family. Thank you for being such a great audience - it was a long time to sit and you did an awesome job of listening and showing respect.

As you know, you have 3 unexpected days off. Your job is to make sure you have completed all the assignments we were in the process of finishing off.

This includes:

Science - Physical and Behavioural Structures, and Owl Advantages, should have been handed in today. If you didn't hand it in, I will be asking for it first day back!

Parvana's Journey - double entry journal, plot line and story summary, character web, most vivid image and outline of reflective paragraph must all be finished for first day back.

Reading - you should be reading a good, just right novel EVERY DAY for anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. Some of you do this (and more!) already - if you don't though, this is an excellent way to keep your brain active and happy and you will be more successful when we return to school!

Math - please practice your multiplication tables every day for a few minutes - and review all math concepts as math will be much easier when you return!

Have a wonderful break - remember to keep your eye on the news or the sd61 website s if you're unsure about when to be back at school.

I will miss you.

Mrs. K


Jodie said...

i miss u too Mrs. K D'X

Anonymous said...

i hope everyone has a nice weekend:)

Winnie said...

Hi so Mrs.Kilpatrick u never gave me a Story Summery thing and i have a question How do u do the Outline Paragrah?
And yes Mrs.Kilpatrick i know u cant go on This "Blog" and that its 90/100% that u will not check this page but there is 50/100% u can!
Still Have A Great Weekend "Everybody"

Anonymous said...

mrs. kilpatrick,

could we please brainstorm some topic sentences in class?i am having some trouble.


madi said...

i cant wait to go back to school after spring break so see all of ya after ^.^

Anonymous said...

same here:D
but i will injoy my holiday

madi said...

cant wait for school to come back in so i can have something to do like hangout with all my friends