Monday, September 17, 2012

And We're Off!!

Well class, we're in our second week of being "Advisory 63" together - and we`re off to a good start! We spent last week beginning to get to know each other, learning how to find our way around the school, meeting new people (classmates, teachers, counselors, principal and vice-principal among others), learning the "5 practices"(can you name them?!)and general school and classroom expectations. That's alot!! I hope you all enjoyed your three day weekend! While you were enjoying the sunshine today, Lansdowne teachers spent an amazing day together, but today we were in the role of students, and let others teach us. It was a wonderful day for me, because the focus was one of my passions, environmental education. So we were out in the sun for much of the day as well - first by our naturescape out by the playground, and then at Cattle Point ... we will visit there a few times over the year, because it's the best "classroom" I can think of! We will talk more about this blog and how to best use it, in Advisory this week, while we continue to settle in. I'm excited to begin this new year...I can already tell we're going to be a great learning team!! See you tomorrow, Ms. K


Corinne said...

I'm Shayne's mom.

I'm looking forward to meeting you tomorrow:)

Thank you for all you do in the class room.


Sophie said...

Hi. it's me Sophie

sophie said...

Hi. It's me Sophie. I'm in your class. We tried to sighn up, but it said that I was too young and wouldn't let me through. What should I do??