Thursday, February 16, 2012

Reading at Home (I guess it's homework!!), Pro-D on Friday

Hi Students and Parents/Guardians:

We have worked hard on reading strategies this year - understanding what we're reading, using reading strategies to think more about what we're reading, taking reading to a "deeper level" (think about the analogy of the ocean...what is below the surface??!).

Remember the power of independent reading. While I've encouraged you to read at home as well as in the "Reading Zone" here in class, I now would like to really make sure you're reading at home, and having conversations with your family about what you are reading! So, please set aside twenty minutes every day to read a "just right" book...and parents, your homework is to have conversation with your child about what they are reading - and maybe share your thoughts about what you are reading as well!

Summarizing is one way to reflect on what you have read - but think about exploring the characteristics of the protagonist or antagonist, predicting, wondering, can you explain the image in your head, what are your "hot spots", the moments that stand out to you, that you have a reaction to? In short, THINK about what you are reading!

Remember, if you are not thinking or reacting to what you are reading, the chances are you are not reading a "just right" book. In that case, set it aside, and look for a different book. Ms. Spies, Mr. Richey, and I, are all really eager to recommend one to you! Look at your reading log, and see if you can figure out what genre you most like to read.

In my opinion, this is the best homework EVER!!

Enjoy your long weekend everyone - remember that tomorrow is a Pro-D - see you Monday.


Madi :) said...

yayyyyyyy i have a new book to read it is called shapeshifters cant wait to read i will have atleast 20 mins to read it :D

Jodie said...

Thx Mrs. K for suggesting "Because of Winn-Dixie" book i really like it :D and i already read in bed almost every night and i'm reading the most amazing creepy, mysterious book i've ever read ;D

madi said...

i dont really like the book i'm reading cuz now that i have some of it is kinda odd (just like me :) )

Jenny said...

Awesome!!!! Reading is now our homework^^ I love reading <3 My favorite thing to do in my free time is to read ^_^ Everyone read read read....... LOL!!!!

madi said...

i wonder if we have school tomorrow cuz it's family day?

madi said...

i'm really excited 4 the field trip !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

madi said...

aw man i forgott my boks at home :( and me and jodie have the same 2 books ^.^

madi said...

mrs.k when are we goning swimming next? and where r we going ?

Mrs. Kilpatrick said...

It's great that you're using the blog, and I'm happy to hear you're reading!! You're welcome Jodie for Winn Dixie - and if you like that book I have others that I think you will also like!!
Students - please feel free to use this as a forum to share the titles of books you have enjoyed - I can turn it into a booklist and put it on the side of the blog.

Next swimming date is the last day of school before Spring Break - March 9!

Anonymous said...

Yay LOL!!!